The radiance and consciousness of the woman is the magnetic energy that attracts what soul will be granted the gift of the human body. The subtle body of the incarnating soul is attracted to or one could say, electromagnetically “chooses” the vessel. The woman, the father, the longitude and latitude, and time and space, all play into this earth plane attraction.
Her vibratory frequency has a momentous affect on the entering soul. In the most positive manner when she changes her frequency, she can “erase” specific karmic patterns so the new being does NOT need to play out these karmas. How? She consciously can utilize yoga, meditation, prayers, or conscious self-reflection. (link to meditations).
“When a mother is pregnant, the kind of soul she can accept depends on her mental attitude. And then there is another beauty that within the realm of your belly, which is your pregnancy, you can totally transform the soul. The soul is pure and has nothing to do, but the subtle body carries the karma of the previous life. A mother can totally purify the subtle body of the new child.”
~ Yogi Bhajan, Women’s Camp 1976
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