In most cases, a woman can practice normal Kundalini Yoga until the 120th day of pregnancy if there are no health complications. After the 120th day of pregnancy, she should only practice Pregnancy Yoga.
Specific conditions when a pregnant woman should practice only Yoga for Pregnancy prior to her 120th day of pregnancy:
- If a pregnant woman is new to Kundalini Yoga or has minimal previous exercise experience, it is recommended that she begin her practice with Pregnancy Yoga.
- If there are any present complications or any history of complications, it is recommended that a pregnant woman consult her healthcare practitioner before beginning with any form of Kundalini Yoga. Here are a short list of some complications:
- Prior miscarriage(s)
- Prior abortions with complications
- Bleeding or any other indications of a possible miscarriage
- Weak cervix
- Abdominal cramping or uterine contractions
- If for any reason a woman does not feel comfortable doing regular Kundalini Yoga, she should begin practicing gentle Pregnancy Yoga.
Basic Positions for Pregnancy Yoga
- Easy Pose
- Butterfly
- Life Nerve Stretch
- Cat and Cow
- Squat
- Spinal Flex
- Arm Exercises
- Shoulder Exercises
- Neck Exercises
- Relaxation: on side or back (before 5th month)
- Conscious Breathing
What yogic practices to avoid after the 120th day?
The following exercises should NOT be practiced after the 120th day of pregnancy, or if a woman has any medical complications:
- Yogi Bhajan: After 5th month avoid practicing Baby Pose and also all Gong Meditations
- After the 36th week avoid standing Life Nerve Stretch variations. These head down positions of the mother could increase the possibility of child settling in the Breech Position.
- Exercises which apply pressure to the abdominal area (i.e. Bow Pose, Stretch Pose, etc.). No exercises lying on stomach.
- Exercises and pranayam that over-stimulate. (The pulse should not go above 140 beats per minute.)
- No Breath of Fire. Yogi Bhajan has stated that light Breath of Fire in the first 3 months is permissible if health permits. Always encourage a woman to check with her doctor.
- No Maha Bhand or Uddiyana Bhand (diaphragm lock) or Mul Bhand (contraction of the rectum, sex and navel locks together), or diaphragm lock. Contraction of the pelvic floor strengthens and tones the pelvic floor muscles and is acceptable during and after birthing in most situations.
- No leg lifts (except while lying on the side).
- No inverted postures (i.e. shoulder stand, head stands, hand stands, etc.).
- No Sat Kriya.
- Avoid lying on the back after the 6th month and the belly is much enlarged. The weight of the baby compresses the inferior vena cava, which is the largest vein of the body. This can cause reduced blood flow throughout the body. This could also cause light headedness. The best position for increased blood flow to the baby is lying on the left side. A woman does not need to be alarmed if she awakens during the night and she is laying flat on her back. She may try sleeping supporting her body with pillows.
- Do not stress and exercise harder.
- No cold shower after 7th month.
- No Venus Kriyas while pregnant. Partner Exercises ok. White Tantric Yoga acceptable, however, discuss with Tantric Facilitator before course.
- No breath suspension on exhale.
- Static thigh strengthening postures.
- Exercises that aggravate existing weaknesses and injuries.
- Heavy detoxifying exercises
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