Pregnancy and parenthood will turn your world upside down. You will be challenged and confronted. And you will grow. As she is adjusting to the oscillating changes of pregnancy, encourage her to express her feelings and actively listen. Tune into her and become more sensitive to her needs. She needs you to support and inspire her so she can see these changes in a clear perspective. She may want you to solve something, or she just may want you to listen. It is your job to be the constant one now.
Having children is very different than raising children. Consider your intentions. Talk about your concerns about being a father and this new responsibility. Together, you create the vision, the basis for a loving family culture.
As her abdomen grows, she may become resentful because she is physically restricted. She may become depressed or complain about her expanding belly or the multitude of changes. Remind her that this is only a temporary state. She may find it difficult to do simple things, like bending over to turn on the bath water, putting on her boots, or arranging her belly behind a steering wheel. Help her to see the humor in the situation, however, never laugh at HER.
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