To feel your child moving in your womb is very incredible. Moreover, to actually birth another human being from your own body is beyond words to express. Time and space do not exist. A birthing woman transcends the reality of earthly measurements and experiences a glimpse of Infinity, which is not only here and now, but contains the past and the future as well.
Birthing transforms most fathers. The blessing and awe of creation manifesting, transcends the apprehension of blood, pain, or discomfort, and opens the heart, bringing tears to most men's eyes.
Birthing is also the gift of giving life to your child. Preparing yourself for a conscious birth is an invaluable gift to your child. You are offering your child a loving entrance into this world through your own body. Your effort to be awake and aware during birthing sets the stage for your child to be awake and aware.
Preparing for a conscious birth is the best gift to give your child. Set your intention for a sensitive, conscious birth; prepare yourself and your environments, give your very best, and trust that the Universe is in charge.
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