The Conscious Pregnancy Training guides a Kundalini Yoga teacher to:
Develop a deeper relationship with herself.
Gain knowledge about the yogic teachings, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, conception, pregnancy, birthing, and mothering.
Study specific Kundalini Yoga and Meditation for pregnancy and post-partum.
Study the physiological development of pregnancy, birth and infant care.
Prepare her to teach this subject and support women and their families.
Curriculum Highlights
Kundalini Yoga and Meditation for the childbearing year
Journey of the soul
Conscious relationships and conception
First 120 days after conception
Pregnancy body care,
Preparation for birthing
Birth process
40 days after birth
Breastfeeding basics
Handling the unexpected during the first year
Baby Massage and Baby Yoga
Building a professional network
Yoga and lecture practicum